Sunday, April 11, 2010

This box is for me!

It was hot this week - remember that 6 weeks ago we were covered with something like 68 feet of snow (give or take a few) - we hit 90 degrees. The boy doesn't seem effected by the heat, but Papa is. Our afternoons consisted of me trying to convince him to stay inside until it cooled down, and him trying to convince me that we needed to go outside. (Now before you go thinking that I am the laziest father ever, see my rant below about public schools and air conditioning.) He decided that we needed to compromise - he came up with the idea that he would go out to play, and I would watch him from the window. He had barely gone outside when the door opened and he came running back in. "Ha," I thought to myself, "I knew it was too hot for him." Except that he wasn't coming in because he was hot, it was because he had found this:

Owen loves packages that come in the mail. If there is a box he must know what is inside it. But he was especially excited this time, because as he explained to me, and is showing all of you:

"O - W - E - N, that spells Owen Papa! This box is for me!!! Lets open it RIGHT NOW!" In case you can't tell, this is from Beki's family - the giveaway would be the ridiculous amount of duct tape that made it almost impossible to open. Had it just been me opening it I would have been ok, but the boy was not happy with the pace at which things were happening, so he kept trying to help with the scissors.

Eventually we got it open, and of course there was an obscene amount of easter candy inside.

But as cool as the candy was, it what was underneath the candy that really got Owen excited. It was a pair of shorts and a new Thomas the Train shirt. Owen immediately started taking off the clothes that he had been wearing, because he NEEDED to wear the new clothes right away. As I was helping him get them on, I noticed that the clothes had been purchase for the future - they were 5t.

Either they were purchased for the future, or Grandma and Grandpa White are just trying to help Owen fit in with the culture around here:

Along with the hot weather, Costco had their Strawberries on sale, so it really felt like summer here. Owen loves strawberries, and especially loves to stick them in his mouth whole!

Owen's friend Maddy came to visit and they decided that they needed to share the rocking chair while watching a movie!

Since General Conference was on Easter Sunday, Owen had to wait a week in order to wear his new Sunday Clothes to church. He really likes the zipper ties - he can put them on all by himself.

While the yard is still a complete mess, Spring has brought about some of the poor neglected flowers blooming. We thought we would share a picture or two with you.


So we had a little heat wave here in the D.C. area this last week - really not a big deal, temps in the 90's, but the humidity was low, so it didn't feel like you were being steamed alive - until you went inside my elementary schools. The weathermen in the area had been talking about this heat wave for a week, but somehow, the powers that be in the schools failed to get the air conditioning up and functioning. Not only were the schools hot and miserable, but the students would come in from lunch recess smelling lovely...yuk! By the time I would return home from work, I was exhausted, hot, and smelling like school children...

And in a totally unrelated rant - mice! I HATE THEM! THEY MUST DIE! Unfortunately Disney makes movies and TV shows where mice are the heroes. Owen is now very concerned that we have mouse traps, and when we catch a mouse he tries to get them out to play with them...good times. /End Rant

1 comment:

Karen said...

oh christopher, your posts always make me laugh! owen is so cute, we miss him! are you guys coming to utah for the 4th of july? i think you should....