I had a lot of other ideas for titles for this post, but I am trying to have good feelings about this thing that took over our Summer. This last weekend saw the culmination of months of planning and rehearsals in the successful production of the Stake Musical Revue. In the end I think that the people who participated in it had a good time, and I think that the audience (all 6 of them) liked it as well. (Ok there were more than 6 people there, but that is only because the families of the people involved came to watch.)
The problem with this musical if you ask me - and I realize that you probably didn't ask, but I am going to tell you anyway - is that that there was no clear idea of what we were trying to do from the beginning. Originally the higher ups said that they wanted to do a "''musical review" with scenes from different musicals. That is all fine and dandy, except that there are Copyright laws and stuff. (Personally I figured that we could plead ignorance about the Copyright thing because we weren't charging admission, and I doubt that anyone would find out anyway. However, everyone here is really sensitive about being sued, probably because everyone sues everyone over everything, so we had to abide by Copyright laws.) It addition to having no clear direction as to what we were doing, the higher ups (by the way, I refer to them as the "higher ups" because I have no idea who was in charge of deciding that we should do this) seemed to think that hundreds of people were going to want to be involved with this...in the end the number was 25 I think. In the end we did some group chorus numbers, some small group numbers, and a mini production of Pirates of Penznace.
This is Heather, she was the Producer, and this face pretty much sums up how she was feeling by the end.
No time for dinner, just eat while working!!
During any lull you would usually find me trying to forget where I was.
But I did actually do stuff, like warming up the choir before performance.
The Pirate Ship was awesome...so awesome it is going to be finding a new home in my backyard!
Who doesn't like to dress up like a pirate every now and then?
See, we actually told the story...sort of.
In a little modern twist our Modern Major General was a woman.
Kickline Finale!!!
Cast photo!
Huck Finn and Jim singing "River in the Rain"
The Boys singing "Seize the Day," from Newsies.
"One day when the boss gets hungry, guess who gonna be on the plate."
"Under the Sea: Finale!
And then there was cake!
While we were successful I think that it is safe to say that next time we will be saying "Thanks but no thanks"
If you aren't familiar with Pirates, here are some Youtube clips for you
I am a Pirate King
Modern Major General
With Catlike Tread
This may be TMI, but one morning Tyler and I were taking a shower together and I started singing (because it's a shower and that's the best place to sing). He gave me greif for singing all those show tunes. I said something to Tyler along the lines of "you never sing - ever! It's weird. Do you even know any songs?"
His response? He sang the entire 'Modern Major General' song to me at the top of his lungs... and he knew every. single. word!
Yep. He won that round.
Hi, this is Carolee. I love Pirates of Penzance! We had a dinner theater in my home town several years ago and we did Pirates twice, with two different casts! It was so much fun!
Hip Hip Hooray!
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