Sunday, September 18, 2011

SIX FLAGS!!!!!!!!

We have some really awesome friends - the Reeder family - that used to be in the same ward as us.  We still try and get together once a month to visit, each, let the children play, and usually engage in a epic game of Munchkin.  They bought season passes to Six Flags America and they came with coupons for get a friend in free - so we all went.  We choose a perfect day - was not too hot, there were not that many people there, and we hardly had to wait in line.

Walking in - we are ready.

Main entrance.

Just inside the main entrance - Chris thought this was fitting.

The first ride was air planes that went up and down in a circle.

Then some tea cups.

They had many different trains to ride on and we did them all.

This was a bit of a stretch for the boy - he was not convinced that it would be good, but peer pressure can sometimes be good.  It lifted them up high and then dropped them - slowly - and then back up again.

By the end, he was screaming and having a blast.

They had this place that was filled with machines that blew air and ball that were really soft.  They had a volcano that you could fill with ball and it would erupt and all sorts of things.  MORE BALLS!!!!

They had a roller coaster that the boy could ride - Papa is getting him ready.

It went around the loop 3 times - it was Owen's favorite ride of all day.

"Let us into the carousel!"

The one ride we all went on, even if you can't see mommy.

This "car" ride was quite fun, even if Owen couldn't drive.

On yet another train - this time a really big one that took you on a "scenic" tour of the park - cool for the boy, not so much in awesome factor.

On the ferris wheel - it was up pretty high.

Mommy was really small - she is in the orange coat.

Another train ride!!!

And another one - Papa and Owen are at the very back.

Family picture before we leave - of course the boy is not looking.

Take two! Mommy and Papa's hair is all over the place because they went on two HUGE roller coasters - Superman and Batman - there is no explanation for the boys face!

It was an over all successful outing.  We stopped at Five Guys on the way home and got some yummy food and rounded out the evening with ice cream.  We are contemplating getting season passes for Papa and the boy - we will see.

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