Thursday, September 1, 2011

First Day of Soccer, for both our Future Superstar and the Coach!

Just a quick picture taken with Beki's iPod at the end of soccer practice today. I took Owen to the sports store yesterday and we found him a ball. They had an entire wall full of soccer balls in every size and color imaginable, but we were looking for a size 3, and when Owen found a RED ball that was size 3, he almost knocked the entire display down trying to get to it. By the soccer balls they had their youth shorts on sale, and so I found 2XS in green, blue and RED, but there wasn't much point in asking, because it was obvious what the boy wanted. Then we found some soccer socks (that go up to high thigh if we don't fold them back over) that were also RED, I didn't even ask this time, I just grabbed them. Then I needed another pair of shorts because I wear my Yellow  pair to basketball on Wednesday nights. As you can see, my new pair of shorts is also RED. I am sure that we will have more stories to tell as the season progresses, such as the boy's first RED card, and my 3 match ban that I am sure to get!

1 comment:

Annette said...

What a great picture! Hope the little guy still wants to hug his coach by the end of the season!! Just kidding, of course...Anxious for more updates and play by play game reports!